
Karibuni! The Lord is good! My name is Brandon and the Lord has done mighty things in my life. I am a missionary in Moshi, Tanzania and God is doing good things for us here at Treasures of Africa Children's Home. This website was created to share that story with friends, family and supporters in the states. I also from time to time will share some thoughts on other stuff as well. Each of the entries are a story of what the Lord is up to and to Him be all glory. Please feel free to send comments and questions to me at Thanks for visiting the site and I hope the Lord blesses you as you poke around.

Peace and Grace,
Brandon Stiver

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Giving and Receiving

I felt that such a title and subject would be appropriate this time of the year. This season is all about giving, or so I’ve heard. I don’t know if you’ve heard it as well. I undoubtedly could spend this time harping on the fact that we celebrate Jesus’ birthday by spoiling one another in the name of “holiday cheer” but I feel like that’s been said…I know I’ve said it. Despite our economy and the more and more common church sermons on living and giving more simply, we don’t see too much of a difference in December. Come Sunday morning the kids are looking under the tree and not to the manger and the adults are more worried about the lights and appearance of the house then the Light that came to earth 2000 years ago. Oh wait, I said I wasn’t going to beat that drum. That’s right. Giving and receiving.

I’ve always felt an incredible amount of freedom that comes from giving and I‘ve felt that increase over the years. When I started to have an income from high school jobs, I knew that it was important to tithe, so I did. It wasn’t much and I didn’t really track it at all, but if the plate came by I’d throw something in. Aside from tithing to the church, most of my money went to myself. Music was my big thing. Every week after getting paid I would go and buy three CD’s from Aardvark Music in Paso. But yeah, I’d give too. If it were Christmas or a birthday, I’d buy a price appropriate gift for a family member, but I didn’t bowl anyone over and I doubt that most of those presents are still around. When I transferred to Vanguard, I had a designated 20% for the church. The rest was mine. Now as I read that, I’m kind of realizing that that’s not a lot. I’ve heard so many people boasting about 10% or whatever and its almost been played off as “He gave me His life and I give Him 10% of my income, we have an arrangement.” Honestly, I’ve dealt with pride on this issue (pride is probably my biggest downfall, Lord help me). I would hear people say that and think “boy, I’m such a great Christian, I give a little over 20% and they have more money than me and only give 10%”. It’s a messed up way of thinking, as if God sent His only begotten Son to be born in a stable and hang on a cross, but all He was concerned about was how much we give on Sunday. I think that it says more to the fact that we care a lot about money and that’s why we make such a big deal about how much we give.

Since then the Lord has brought me through different seasons of 30% and 50% and while that may be good, it all seems arbitrary to some extent, because no matter how much I give, He still takes care of me. Giving for me has been the most easing thing. When I give money or whatever of value, it is really living by faith and saying that this money has NOTHING to do with my sustenance. I’ve gotten so worked up at times thinking about how bills are going to get paid or how I’m going to afford stuff (like moving to Africa) and you know what? It always happens. The worry and stress is relieved as I give. Its like I think we sometimes forget who our Dad is. Do we really think that if we give money or an unexpected bill comes up, that God is just going to say “ah, bummer, I guess you’re up a creek” No. He doesn’t say that, He’ll take care of us. Now maybe He will use that to bring about correction in your life. “Whom the Lord loves He corrects.” (Proverbs 3:12) If you are at your house and reading this, look around the room and point to the thing that you need to survive. Nothing, really. Now point to the thing that if you were to fall on “tough” times you could sell to make up some of the difference. Just about everything. Sorry I didn’t mean to get on a tangent (it seems more and more inevitable with my blogs) On that note, not my money point but rather the tangent point, I realize more and more that I do enjoy having people read my blogs, but this seems like it is more for me, hence the length, just saying.

So this is what I really want to get to. It is a biblical principle that you reap what you sow. This isn’t my get rich quick scheme, but feel free to try it that way and see what happens. I have been in a time of harvest and I say that joyfully. It almost seems new to me, not because I haven’t harvested before, but rather because it is so refreshing. Whether I did it out of joy (the case at times) or out of religious tradition (the case at times) the money that I sowed into the church has began to come back to me. I’ve raised almost half my money for my first year of ministry (about $12000) and had so many other blessings. I know I shared stories in a previous blog “The Joys of Fundraising” but there are now more stories in addition to just how much support I’ve raised. I had one friend who the Lord prompted to give over $1000 to me personally to help me pay off my credit card, that was really amazing. Praise God for generous people like this friend. Oh, this next one is related to a previous giving story and shows that the Lord gives MORE than what is necessary. So last year after I read The Irresistible Revolution for the second time I felt inclined to sell my expensive things and give the money away to Christian para-church organizations both domestic and abroad. One of the things that I sold was my 4 GB iPod Nano. At the time that was my biggest sacrifice, because I was a bike commuter and that was my entertainment for at least an hour a day. But I sold it. Well, my friend gave me an early Christmas present last week. He told me not to open it til I got on the plane (probably because he knew I wouldn’t receive it unless it was forced on me). I got to my parents and forgot that the package was in my guitar case. A week later, I came across it and opened it and found HIS iPod Touch. I was blown away. He had told me he had lost it a few weeks prior and now it was mine. I’m listening to Phil on it right now, the Wickham not the Doctor. Praise God for generous people like this friend. These last two stories have made me realize that I’m not too great at receiving. It has been humbling and makes me squeamish. I almost don’t want to receive the gifts, because its too awkward, even though these are FRIENDS of mine. But looking at it biblically, I don’t want to reject what the Lord has given me and I don’t want to reject the blessing that will be returned on my friends. So I just get to sit back and let the love flow between everyone. It really is beautiful.

More and more I see the Lord’s hand in those things that I want and need. When the Lord had put it on my heart to live minimally, I went for it. No new shirts, CD’s or anything else. I decided to eat on $3 a day after I graduated from college. It was actually wonderful and I didn’t worry about the bills even though things were tight. I learned something in that time about “things.” There are physical things in this world that are good, enjoyable and can be used to God’s glory. As I really walked in not buying things, I began asking God for things and see if He’d provide. He’s a good Dad and He created everything there is and more. So I asked him for things. Since then here is a list of things I asked Him for and I’ve received from various places: a big djembe, a guitar, a dog (there are two at TOA), and a laptop. These are the most expensive things that I own and I didn’t pay a red penny for any of them. All of it is committed to the Lord’s glory and I trust that when its time for any of these things to break, the Lord will allow me to glorify Him in other ways.

Now I tell you confidently that you will reap what you sow. If you sow sparingly and ungratefully, you will reap in frustration and an insatiable dissatisfaction. But if you sow generously, you will reap the Lord’s plenty for your life. (2 Corinthians 9:6) To be honest, if you sow in money, you may reap in something different. I think the number one reason that much of my reaping recently has been monetarily is because I am moving to one of the top 10 most impoverished nations in the world and the Lord knows what I need (and what I want). Chances are you’re reading this from one of the most affluent nations in the world and the Lord knows what you really need and that very well could be something other than more money. Pray into that, He does have something for you in your giving. But the giving is on you. If you wait for Him to take it, it will be unnecessarily more difficult and you may miss what He really wants to do in your giving.

The Word of the Lord (x3)
2 Corinthians 9:7-8
So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance of every good work.
Luke 12:48
…For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.
Matthew 7:7;11
Ask and it will be given to you…If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

Merry Christmas, family.

Monday, December 7, 2009


"I can't lose focus, because Jesus is who I follow
Sometimes I choke back tears, but this time I'll decide to swallow
Submit my life to Him and glorify Him through the loss
Knowing before there's resurrection we must endure the cross."
-Excerpt from a poem I wrote on Jan. 30 2008

Mike Erre was joking a couple years ago about USC beating The Ohio State University and he said in jest that the loss was the cross that must be endured before the Buckeye's overcome and resurrect. Everyone laughed, but the joke itself was something that stuck with me (besides I'm a Badgers fan). We must endure the cross of pain and suffering before our resurrection and this is the path of the Way.

January 2008 was the crappiest month of my life. I just got back to Vanguard for my final semester before receiving my Bachelor's in Education. A little over a month before, my girlfriend of over two years had broken up with me, my best friend from back home had gotten into some trouble with the law and there was family turmoil as well. If I was ever in a state of depression, that would've been it.

I remember one night in particular. I was in my night class on the Gospel of Mark and I received a call from my brother Donny and then called back to talk to my sis-in-law Melissa and got the 411 on what had happened with my friend. I was devastated and shocked. In my pain, I wanted to turn to my best friend on this Earth, only to quickly remember that she had broken up with me November 23rd 2007. After class, I called my friend's wife and left her a pathetic tearful message and then went on a walk. I have never felt that things were so out of whack.

In that season of sowing in tears, I planted a seed that would lead to reaping in the deepest joy I've ever felt. The resurrection of my sorrow. [Psalm 126:5]

I again find myself in a time of dying to myself and sacrificing. I leave California in less than a week. This has been my home and the majority of the people I know and call loved ones live within the four and a half hours that it takes to get from Costa Mesa to San Miguel. As if saying goodbye to Andy, Amy and the Varners wasn't hard enough last week, yesterday I had a going away party. Joel represented the central coast, while Cody, Alaina, Clesi, Katie, Jeff and the LG fam showed up for Costa Mesa and The Garden/Modern Lovers gave LB love. And I was so sad. I cried so much yesterday. The bitter before the sweet I suppose.

Ashley put it really well a few weeks ago... I have sacrificed everything and especially these relationships for Awadhi [and the Treasures]. This last week, I've felt the weight of that sacrifice and its really painful. But the resurrection is yet to happen and that's my hope.

I am so glad that [Lord willing] my journey is not over yet. Yesterday before the party, I heard my story for the first time without speaking it. Thanks to a great videographer and now friend, Brett, I was able to hear me tell my story and I can't tell you how much it blessed me. I've watched it like five times by now and cried every single time. The only problem with my story about the Lord's calling on my life to Tanzania is that I live in California right now. I'm still saying goodbye and still hanging on this cross, albeit a glorious cross. I suppose my time in Rice Lake will be the tomb (am I reaching for this analogy?) and come January 10th, I get to come out and the Lord will receive glory and I'll walk through walls (figuratively...maybe literally).

So that seed that I planted in January 2008 when I started sponsoring and praying for Awadhi has already started to bud and next month January 2010 is going to be harvest time.

Praise be to the Lord. He is my Hope. He is my Love. He is my Peace. He is my Everything. And I will sacrifice everything and anyone (or everyone) for the joy of knowing Him. It is my delight to suffer for His sake and I await the day when all His saints are resurrected and we live in perfection for eternity. Asante Jehova.

Keep This Up Family
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