Sometimes its difficult to live in the tension between what is happening physically and what is happening spiritually. Sometimes its hard to believe, or even imagine, that there are so many spiritual realities happening right in our midst and we continually only see what happens in the natural. It can be discouraging and requires us to be in touch with the Lord just to find reprieve by looking through the eyes of the Holy Spirit.
Great Book! Highly suggest it.
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My small group just started to go through the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I read the book a few years ago and absolutely loved it, so I suggested it as a good study for us. We had our initial discussion on the first chapter this last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Small groups are great because they bring out beliefs and thoughts that we weren’t even conscious of until we were compelled to articulate them during the conversation. Such was the case this last Thursday.
We talked about the throne room of God. Chan shares in the complimentary video about how when he starts praying he envisions God in His true form of glory. He asks the reader what our first words would be if we were to be right there in the throne room as Isaiah was in Isaiah 6. He then says that whatever the answer to that question is, that should be the same first response when we go to the Lord in prayer. Such a profound yet clearly accurate mindset put me in a humbling position.
I shared with the group, that I really don’t do that the vast majority of the time. Rather, I pray from where I am. If I’m frustrated, I pray from frustration. If I’m sad, then that’s where I pray from. Even if I’m overjoyed, its as though I rush into the throne room without pausing to recognize the awesomeness of God in all His glory. I don’t pray from where God is, I pray from where I am.

Cover via Amazon
My small group just started to go through the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan. I read the book a few years ago and absolutely loved it, so I suggested it as a good study for us. We had our initial discussion on the first chapter this last week and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Small groups are great because they bring out beliefs and thoughts that we weren’t even conscious of until we were compelled to articulate them during the conversation. Such was the case this last Thursday.
We talked about the throne room of God. Chan shares in the complimentary video about how when he starts praying he envisions God in His true form of glory. He asks the reader what our first words would be if we were to be right there in the throne room as Isaiah was in Isaiah 6. He then says that whatever the answer to that question is, that should be the same first response when we go to the Lord in prayer. Such a profound yet clearly accurate mindset put me in a humbling position.
I shared with the group, that I really don’t do that the vast majority of the time. Rather, I pray from where I am. If I’m frustrated, I pray from frustration. If I’m sad, then that’s where I pray from. Even if I’m overjoyed, its as though I rush into the throne room without pausing to recognize the awesomeness of God in all His glory. I don’t pray from where God is, I pray from where I am.