The Lord has been teaching me a lot lately about intercession. This has largely come through the reading of a book simply titled Intercession. I’m a pretty regular reader, but this book has taken me embarrassingly long, mostly due to the fact that I’ve actually had a bit of a social life over the last couple months. Imagine that. No worries though, my social summer climaxed at getting engaged on Sunday and with Melissa taking off on Tuesday, I’m officially a loner again and that will only increase after I get back from India and most of the other missionaries go on furlough. Yay! I have time to read again…
Anyways, intercession. To be honest, I’ve gone a lot of my Christian life without that word even in my vocabulary. When I first heard of it, I figured it was synonymous with prayer or at best really intense prayer. This book has opened my eyes in so many ways and yet I realize I’m only at the start of this journey. Intercession is so much more than just prayer I’ve been finding. Prayer is a big part of it, but it also has to do with fasting, waiting on the Lord, praying in tongues, seeing with spiritual eyes, hearing from the Lord with specificity, and taking up a position for those whom you intercede on behalf of.
I feel as though I’m about to go through a spiritual baptism of intercession. I know that word baptism brings about different thoughts for people. There is a physical baptism that all believers should go through as an outward sign of the inward reality. There is also the baptism of the Spirit, yay controversy! Don’t worry I’m not going down that path, or at least not exactly. I believe that as we walk in the Spirit of God and in step with sanctification, we get new levels and more outpourings of the Spirit. The way that He does this is much like the physical baptism that we all go through. I am anticipating a spiritual baptism of intercession on new levels very soon.
I believe the Lord is giving me a jumping off point for all of this. Tomorrow I take off for India. India is the least Christian and, from what I’ve heard, the most spiritually dark place that I’ve ever been to. It is 80% Hindu, 14% Muslim and only 2.4% Christian. I know that the states have their issues, as does Tanzania, but you’d be hard-pressed to say with sincerity that Christianity has more influence in India (and the other country we’re going to) than the two countries I’m most familiar with. Its not even like those place in Europe that are dark, but there are at least remnants of past Christian vitality. No, almost all the spiritual buildings and atmosphere point to gods that are not God, but in fact demons that have enslaved the people to sin. That’s where I’m going and intercession will be my main weapon.
I wish that I was at liberty to mention the other country here, but I’ve been advised not to do so on a public internet stage. In that place, our main ministry is to intercede. To the natural eye, that looks like a waste of time. “Wait, you’re just going to walk around and pray and do weird things calling them prophecy?” Yep. That’s what we’re going to do. We would love to preach and hand out tracks and pray for people on the street, but that’s not legal. So we’ll go into enemy territory, encourage the believers, smuggle in some Christian materials and intercede. As exciting as it sounds to be involved with the underground church, that ministry is secondary to our intercession. In a place so dark, our utmost important act is to go against the powers of darkness in the spirit and tear down the high places that have been put up by false religion.
I think in America we focus too much on what we see with the natural eye. That is foolish. Instead we are to “not look at the things that are seen, but the things that are not seen. For the things that are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (1 Corinthians 4:18). So much is going on in the spirit realm all around us. We often, myself included, are oblivious. Part of intercession, and part of our intercession, will be going in armed as vessels of the Holy Spirit and engage the spiritual realm. I know that this all sounds like a stretch to the average American Christian, but its of the utmost importance to battle in this way.
What does heaven look like? What does evil look like? What do demons look like? What do angels look like? These aren’t questions that we can observe and answer with the natural eye and mind. Yet, as we read our Bible, it is clear that all of these things are as real as you and me. I sometimes think to myself, those spiritual acts like prayer and fasting aren’t really making a difference, or that supernatural healing can’t take place. It is in fact, the Bible that keeps my faith intact at times. All these things that seem so crazy or so out there, are indeed found right in the Bible. For us in the western world, our Bible should increase and ground our faith in these supernatural things. Healing is not make-believe, casting out demons isn’t imaginary. Jesus did these things right in step with His intercession. If we are to be like Him, we are to walk like Him in the contexts that the Lord puts us in.
Remember that whole post “Weird”? I have a feeling that things are going to get a lot weirder, and a lot more powerful. Prophecy is so strong and when we look at prophets in the Bible, we realize that they are really weird. Moses is hitting stones with his staff, Ezekiel’s talking to dead bones, Isaiah’s getting hot coals put on his mouth from the throne of God, John the Baptist is walking around in weird clothes and eating locust. So much of their prophecy wasn’t only the words they put down on paper, but even prophetic acts. How’s this for a prophetic act? Hosea was told by the Lord to marry an unfaithful prostitute as a sign of the Israelites prostituting themselves to other gods. That’s nuts and its just one example. We will be engaging in prophetic acts that will look a little strange. Is that weird to you? It is a little weird to me too, but it also is incredibly biblical and as I’m finding more and more God isn’t in to what is normal or “cool.” His ways are higher and His holiness manifests in this world in ways that seem odd to the natural eye. The word holy even means “other, set apart” so how could that look normal?
When the Lord led me to come on this trip, He gave me three reasons for going. One, that I would receive an impartation. Two, that the Kingdom would advance internally as well as externally. Three, that it would be a testament to others. I am carrying these words with me in faith that He will fulfill them on this trip. I believe the impartation has something specifically to do with intercession and I’ve already begun interceding on behalf of the people I’ll minister to there. I spent the last two days in fasting and prayer and at times it was agonizing, but such is the plight of all those lost souls that we’ll encounter. So I cry out on their behalf for mercy and freedom. God has plans for India and the other country, its my job not only in the two weeks I’m there, but even before and after the trip, to see that His plans come to pass. I’m a vessel of His Holy Spirit so He has the freedom to use even if its hard on my flesh.
In step with the third word, I will try and be blogging as I go along. I’m taking my laptop for that reason alone and if we are able to get to internet at times, I’ll update. I want to share this testimony of the Lord’ s victory over the powers of darkness in these places. Please keep us in your prayers, please intercede on our behalves and those of the people that we’ll minister to. If you can fast for us, than do that. Not all of our money is raised yet, so you can help us in that way (see my post “Kingdom” for how to do that). We look for your partnership in this as well. We are one body in Christ and we could use all the help we can get.
The Lord is worthy of our lives. He is good. All His judgments are just and pure. His Kingdom reigns and is advancing in India and its neighbor. He is already at work there and we delight to join ourselves in His business, for this we give praise.
The Rundown: Well obviously there has essentially been no rundown for the last almost month and a lot has happened. It would have been ultra anti-climactic to end my super long blog about me and Melissa with a rundown so here’s a quick catch-up on all that’s gone down. The summer in Moshi is officially over. Ryan’s last team who I’ve had very little contact with leaves tomorrow and all my intern friends are gone as well. Kelli, Nick and Taylor left over a week ago and Melissa left on Tuesday. It was so amazing hanging out with all of them and obviously the Lord did something special and unique between me and Melissa. I’m still trying to take it all in, because it all happened so fast. I walk in confidence and faith in the path God’s put before us, but it is still really hard to comprehend. The last few days, preparing for India and already missing her has made it tough. I know it’ll be hard to start off the first almost five months of our engagement apart, but we trust in all of His plans. He is good and faithful. Please do remember us in your prayers. The kids have been good. No big news really. Rita flies in today, which is good for TOA, but not great timing for me. I may see her briefly tonight, but then I’ll be in India till after she returns to California. We are praying over some land, so please join us in receiving all that God’s given us. Not too much other than that quick synopsis. For some of my friends, I haven’t been the best at email over the last few weeks, my apologies. The next couple might be a little spotty too with me being away from home but after that I’ll be normal self again. Thanks everyone for your support, your prayers and your encouragement. I bless you in the name of the Lord and I’ll talk to you in India!
...tracking Brandon and his adventures through Moshi, Tanzania with his Treasures of Africa.
Karibuni! The Lord is good! My name is Brandon and the Lord has done mighty things in my life. I am a missionary in Moshi, Tanzania and God is doing good things for us here at Treasures of Africa Children's Home. This website was created to share that story with friends, family and supporters in the states. I also from time to time will share some thoughts on other stuff as well. Each of the entries are a story of what the Lord is up to and to Him be all glory. Please feel free to send comments and questions to me at Thanks for visiting the site and I hope the Lord blesses you as you poke around.
Peace and Grace,
Brandon Stiver
I'm all ears. Praying for and with you guys ...