Written on September 6th, 2010
Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
We had moved on to the second hotel in another city that we were staying at and had the night free so we spent time together as a team. This was our third night in this nation, but only our first time meeting since we arrived. We were sharing about the times that we’ve had in intercession for and interaction with the people thus far. I shared what the Lord had been doing in my life over the last couple days and was encouraged by what the others were sharing. In particular, Noah and Katie shared about a young woman that worked at the previous hotel who they found out was a believer, secretly for the most part. They shared about their conversation with her and how she came to their room and they were able to pray over her. A conversation ensued in which I said something that just came out of my mouth without me thinking about it, but just resounded as truth in my soul: “When the Gospel is pure, it is unstoppable.”
Its quite an incredible thought to realize the impact that the Gospel has had on this world over the last 2000 years. It truly is the good news that has allowed millions upon millions of people to live a life that is satisfying, purposeful and full of love. The message is simple enough. Because of our shortcomings and sins, God, who is love, made and executed a divine plan for us to be reconciled to Him. He sent His beloved Son to come to Earth and pay the price for all of our sins through His crucifixion. Because He was without flaw and both God and Man, His sacrifice was sufficient for all of our sin. By the power of God, He overcame death and sin with one victorious resurrection and showed us the way to be fully human. An age old story, and ever refreshing as it is truly the best story ever written.
Jesus’ call was for all people to receive the good news of the gospel (Mark 1:15) and that it should be spread to all the nations (Matthew 28: 18-20). I certainly pointed to this in my previous post, but us followers should have the truth, expressed through the gospel, burning within us. It is absolutely our responsibility, by the work of the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the words of Christ when He commissioned us. I realize that being an evangelist is a specific calling (Ephesians 4:11), but we should all live a life in which people are drawn to the Lord. How do we know if people are drawn to God through our lives? The proof is in the pudding (is that the correct expression?). Unbelievers should become believers and believers should become followers and followers should be challenged to deeper levels of discipleship. If we allow the power of the Gospel to transform our lives, this should be happening.
I see that happening through followers in this closed nation. I’ll be honest, the first couple days were hard. So many temples are put up pointing to false idols and false mindsets. Intercession remained consistent, but the weight of their plight was exhausting. As we continued, experiences with the underground church began to build up a confidence in the work that God is doing here. I see the Gospel at work and its beautiful. Its powerful. Those in authority worry about the effect of The Way at work in their country, and if they don’t repent as Jesus said to, they will certainly have their world turned upside down by the power of the Gospel.
I was honored to be able to share a word at a local meeting of believers in this beautiful nation. We went to the church and could hear the music playing as we neared the small shack of a building. We walked in and there are about forty people sitting on the ground shoulder to shoulder praising God. The pastor that was leading was wonderful and the people were full of joy. The room was stuffy with body heat and the presence of God. We were able to worship in three languages and after the three Tanzanian girls shared a little, I was able to get up and give an impromptu word that the Lord put on my heart. What an experience to be able to share in such a unique and exciting church setting. Praise the Lord. I shared on just this… the Gospel. I shared the verse that I mentioned above and told them God has great things ahead. I reminded them that Jesus entrusted twelve people to be the first bearers of the Gospel. Out of them, every continent eventually got reached. As forty people looked up at me, I asked them if they wanted to be used by God to reach their nation. As I said that, every hand went up and I told them that by the power of the Gospel, this would be an easy thing for God.
I have become more and more thankful for the fact that the states and Tanzania have freedom of religion. It is important that people are empowered to choose their walk of life. We, as disciples, of course hope and pray they’ll choose truth, but that decision is absolutely theirs to make. In the face of no freedom to choose, many people just receive the state religion, not realizing what is out there. They’re not allowed to choose largely because they aren’t even aware. We must pray for these people that they will be presented with the gospel. Praise God that many of these people have been unveiled to truth and many have responded positively. The persecution and discrimination that they face has only been refining the Gospel in their lives to its purest form and when its pure its unstoppable.
I will continue to pray and intercede on behalf of the amazing people that I have met here and I ask you to as well (if you want more specific info, email me. For their safety, I haven’t been doing rundowns or putting any specific info up online). However, I will not intercede from a place of dread or fear, but rather a place of victory. God has his people on the ground, the Holy Spirit has come upon them and angels are aiding them in the spiritual realm. They go forth as bearers of the Gospel of power and mountains will move. I have no fear for that country. I rejoice in the mighty work He is prepared to do and I praise Him for all that He’s already done.
The pure Gospel is powerful, true and unstoppable, for this we give praise.

Romans 1:16: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”
We had moved on to the second hotel in another city that we were staying at and had the night free so we spent time together as a team. This was our third night in this nation, but only our first time meeting since we arrived. We were sharing about the times that we’ve had in intercession for and interaction with the people thus far. I shared what the Lord had been doing in my life over the last couple days and was encouraged by what the others were sharing. In particular, Noah and Katie shared about a young woman that worked at the previous hotel who they found out was a believer, secretly for the most part. They shared about their conversation with her and how she came to their room and they were able to pray over her. A conversation ensued in which I said something that just came out of my mouth without me thinking about it, but just resounded as truth in my soul: “When the Gospel is pure, it is unstoppable.”
Its quite an incredible thought to realize the impact that the Gospel has had on this world over the last 2000 years. It truly is the good news that has allowed millions upon millions of people to live a life that is satisfying, purposeful and full of love. The message is simple enough. Because of our shortcomings and sins, God, who is love, made and executed a divine plan for us to be reconciled to Him. He sent His beloved Son to come to Earth and pay the price for all of our sins through His crucifixion. Because He was without flaw and both God and Man, His sacrifice was sufficient for all of our sin. By the power of God, He overcame death and sin with one victorious resurrection and showed us the way to be fully human. An age old story, and ever refreshing as it is truly the best story ever written.
Jesus’ call was for all people to receive the good news of the gospel (Mark 1:15) and that it should be spread to all the nations (Matthew 28: 18-20). I certainly pointed to this in my previous post, but us followers should have the truth, expressed through the gospel, burning within us. It is absolutely our responsibility, by the work of the Holy Spirit, to fulfill the words of Christ when He commissioned us. I realize that being an evangelist is a specific calling (Ephesians 4:11), but we should all live a life in which people are drawn to the Lord. How do we know if people are drawn to God through our lives? The proof is in the pudding (is that the correct expression?). Unbelievers should become believers and believers should become followers and followers should be challenged to deeper levels of discipleship. If we allow the power of the Gospel to transform our lives, this should be happening.
I see that happening through followers in this closed nation. I’ll be honest, the first couple days were hard. So many temples are put up pointing to false idols and false mindsets. Intercession remained consistent, but the weight of their plight was exhausting. As we continued, experiences with the underground church began to build up a confidence in the work that God is doing here. I see the Gospel at work and its beautiful. Its powerful. Those in authority worry about the effect of The Way at work in their country, and if they don’t repent as Jesus said to, they will certainly have their world turned upside down by the power of the Gospel.
I was honored to be able to share a word at a local meeting of believers in this beautiful nation. We went to the church and could hear the music playing as we neared the small shack of a building. We walked in and there are about forty people sitting on the ground shoulder to shoulder praising God. The pastor that was leading was wonderful and the people were full of joy. The room was stuffy with body heat and the presence of God. We were able to worship in three languages and after the three Tanzanian girls shared a little, I was able to get up and give an impromptu word that the Lord put on my heart. What an experience to be able to share in such a unique and exciting church setting. Praise the Lord. I shared on just this… the Gospel. I shared the verse that I mentioned above and told them God has great things ahead. I reminded them that Jesus entrusted twelve people to be the first bearers of the Gospel. Out of them, every continent eventually got reached. As forty people looked up at me, I asked them if they wanted to be used by God to reach their nation. As I said that, every hand went up and I told them that by the power of the Gospel, this would be an easy thing for God.
I have become more and more thankful for the fact that the states and Tanzania have freedom of religion. It is important that people are empowered to choose their walk of life. We, as disciples, of course hope and pray they’ll choose truth, but that decision is absolutely theirs to make. In the face of no freedom to choose, many people just receive the state religion, not realizing what is out there. They’re not allowed to choose largely because they aren’t even aware. We must pray for these people that they will be presented with the gospel. Praise God that many of these people have been unveiled to truth and many have responded positively. The persecution and discrimination that they face has only been refining the Gospel in their lives to its purest form and when its pure its unstoppable.
I will continue to pray and intercede on behalf of the amazing people that I have met here and I ask you to as well (if you want more specific info, email me. For their safety, I haven’t been doing rundowns or putting any specific info up online). However, I will not intercede from a place of dread or fear, but rather a place of victory. God has his people on the ground, the Holy Spirit has come upon them and angels are aiding them in the spiritual realm. They go forth as bearers of the Gospel of power and mountains will move. I have no fear for that country. I rejoice in the mighty work He is prepared to do and I praise Him for all that He’s already done.
The pure Gospel is powerful, true and unstoppable, for this we give praise.

Love you boy and are praying for you daily