For all that I've said about the difficulties of living here, let it not be lost on the reader that I truly love what I do; more accurately I truly love my children. There is beauty in simplicity and at times that shines through here. Here's a quick story from yesterday.
Maggie Mosh |
My kids don't have an XBOX, dirtbikes or a trampoline. But we do have a couple tire swings. One is a fat tire that is cut wide enough for a kid to sit in. Earlier this week, I peaked out to the playground to see Zoe sitting in the swing and Awadhi twisting it up. It seemed a bit high, but he didn't hesitate to let it go. She then spun like crazy and I couldn't help but laugh from a distance. Yesterday, I was playing soccer with Sam, but when I noticed Jerry helplessly twisting Awadhi up in the swing, I went over to help him out. I then spun him up super high. If he can do it to Zoe and she can handle it, I'm sure that he could! So I spun him up and let him rip. That kid went so fast! It wasn't long until all the children wanted a turn. After Awadhi was Jerry and he couldn't handle as much as Awadhi. Then Lucy got in and she got so dizzy that she fell on the ground after getting down and trying to walk, laughing the whole time of course. Then Sam went and he of course, being older, demanded I make it go as high as Awadhi. Then Maggie, my lovely model for this post. After her was Zoe. Now I have many nicknames for Zoe and one of them is "aggressive" and she is one tough cookie. So I made sure to not hold back on my little three year old daughter. She leaned back and got in a little ball and she was off. Being more aerodynamic with the same amount of spin, I'd say she won the competition. Right after her, I got little Diamond up into the seat and someone shouted "mezani" which means "to the table (for dinner)." Since I already had her in the seat, I gave her one quick spin and it was more than enough for our youngest Treasure. She jumped off the swing and looked at me and shouted "I love you!" I live for moments like these and I praise God for them.
Its times like these that I realize how blessed I am and how beautiful the Kingdom of God is.
I love this! I love you!