Originally posted on June 14th and originally originally posted in the HWCM Newsletter...
I was just a second away from writing on one of our little girls and I remembered my most recent article in the Hidden With Christ newsletter. I’m not sure what “traffic” I get on this blog, but I wanted my Treasure post this week to be the article that I wrote on Diamond in the most recent newsletter. If you want to get the newsletter, you can sign up for the online email newsletter at hiddenwithchrist.com. Advertisement (for something free?) aside, here’s the unedited version of what I wrote on Diamond, my treasure…
Diamond is one of our twenty-six amazing children at Treasures of Africa and she has one of the most dramatic stories. As an infant, she was literally found in a heap of trash and brought to Treasures of Africa soon thereafter. She was given the name Diamond, because she is the precious Diamond that the Lord picked out. This picture is not unlike all of our testimonies of our loving Father who picked us up out of our trash and has put us on a path of His purposes for us.
Out of that background, the Lord is clearly setting her apart for something special. Though her birthday was assigned to her, we are sure that she is our youngest child at the children’s home. Nonetheless, as she nears her third birthday she is excelling in all things that she puts her hand to and certainly in regards to her education.
Early childhood education can often be a slippery thing to gauge and see where a given child is at. Despite that, it has become apparent that Diamond is excelling not only in relation to her peers in the class, but she is even developmentally advanced for her age. As you can imagine our preschool is focused on all those simple building blocks that you would see on Sesame Street or what have you. Each of our children remember different things from our time in class and Diamond seems to remember a lot!
She does a very good job with tracing her letters and we are sure that she will have great handwriting. She speaks good English and is learning more and more. When she is in a particularly excitable mood (which is often), she repeats out loud the sentences that I read from our daily story and we can tell that it is sticking as her practicing vocabulary grows.
Without a doubt, her most impressive skill is her memory. She remembers letters, numbers and colors, but most impressive is her memorization of shapes. While the other little ones struggle to remember, Diamond is right there with the older girls Lucy and Justina. As you can imagine, a shape she never forgets is the one that bears her name.
Likewise, her favorite song is “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” If you’ve met her or seen her on any of our videos, you’ll know that Dia has one of the most adorable giggles in the world. Every time we get to the part “like a diamond in the sky” she just giggles. Along with that, one of her favorite things to do throughout the day is the hand motion from the song and randomly say “like a diamond in the sky.” She is just too cute!
We know that the Lord has picked out and set out our precious Diamond for something special in His Kingdom and pray for those good things to come. With as much as she loves to say “like a diamond in the sky” we know that its not only a cute saying, but even a prophetic proclamation that this Diamond too will be used to shine the Lord’s light brightly in His universe.

haha that is sweet